Southern Arizona Friends of Jung - seminaria, wykłady 02.2013


Seminaria organizowane przez Southern Arizona Friends of Jung w lutym 2013:
1. "Redemptive Motifs in Dreams: Healing and the Transcendent"
A presentation by Dr. Michael Conforti
Jungian Analyst and Founder of the Assisi Institute
Friday, January 18, 2013 - 7:00 PM
Westward Look Resort and Spa
Tucson, AZ
Tuition: $15.00
Pre-registration required to reserve a place.
at (802) 254-6220 or 
and receive a complementary teleseminar by Dr. Conforti.
2. Islands and Tides as Symbols of the Self

Presentation and Workshop by Sylvia G Simpson, MD
Jungian Analyst, Tucson, AZ

Presentation: Friday, February 15, 2013 - 7 pm
Presentation cost Non-Members: $15

Pre-registration required to reserve a place.