On the Edge: Psyche in Ethics, the Arts and Nature
A Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology
Held jointly by
The Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies and the International Association for Jungian Studies
10th - 14th August 2010
Tues morning through Saturday noon
To be held at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York State, USA
Call for Papers (deadline 15th January 2010)
Conference Theme and Objectives:
In entitling this conference, On the Edge: Psyche in Ethics, the Arts and Nature, we wish to recognize a sense of crisis in the contemporary milieu as it is registered in many academic disciplines and the clinical field, yet also call attention to a sense of possibility for the future.
In the sphere of ethics, Jungian studies find valiant challenges expressed through cultural questions of relating to the Other. Here is an opportunity to explore and clarify the contributions that Jungian perspectives add to a wide variety of ethical issues, from broad questions of social justice to individual relations in the consulting room.
The question of the ethical commitment to the Other is also at the heart of creating, teaching and understanding the arts. As well, we hope that this conference will be of the arts as well as on the arts; to this end we want to include arts practice as research, with artists of all kinds presenting their work and offering short commentaries as scholarly papers.
Nature is not just the enabling ‘environment’; our bodies and psyche itself are nature. When nature is treated as Other, crises result in the biosphere; these crises mirror breakdowns in culture and individual psychological life. We therefore hope that the conference will investigate the relations of psyche and nature from many disciplines and creative practices.
This conference represents an exciting new venture for the two main international organizations for Jungian studies and scholarship. We hope to combine the best traditions of both groups in focused, congenial discussions of important Jungian research while reflecting the breadth and depth of this rapidly expanding international, multidisciplinary field.
We therefore welcome proposals for papers (20 minutes) from all disciplines partaking in Jungian studies and clinical research. We also invite panels, roundtables, presentations, short performances, displays and commentary on visual art, short literature reading and commentary.
These questions and ideas merely touch upon the possibilities for responding to the conference theme. The conference committee welcomes proposals from all areas of scholarship relating to analytical psychology and Jungian studies, from any academic discipline and from interdisciplinary work, including arts practice and other practice based research.
How to offer a paper
The Program Committee welcomes proposals for research papers (single, joint or multi-authored), round tables, panels, workshops, poster sessions, artistic presentations, which explore the conference theme. You are invited to submit a proposal in English, or in one of the other languages listed, and in no more than 500 words. With your proposal please include the following information:
- Full name (including title if applicable)
- Full mailing address and email address
- Contact telephone numbers with international dialing code
- Institution (professional body or university) including position or membership
- If a candidate or trainee in a clinical training program, indicate which training body
- Indicate your preferred presentation from the list below:
- Paper (to last approximately 30 minutes with a 20 minute presentation and 10 minutes for discussion)
- Creative Practice (film, dance, visual arts, music etc.)
- Poster (a short presentation of 5-10 minutes given in front of a visual display of your research)
- Round-table (to last about 15 minutes with 15 minutes discussion)
- Workshop (interactive to be led by you for 30 minutes or more)
- Other (Please specify)
- Please indicate any technical needs such as PowerPoint, DVD, CD player, flipchart, overhead projector etc.
Please email your proposal to both Co-Chairs of the Program Committee by 15th January 2010
Darrell Dobson: editor@thejungiansociety.org
Susan Rowland: S.A.Rowland@greenwich.ac.uk
Your submissions will be acknowledged. You will receive a reply by 15th February 2010. Further details of the conference including a booking brochure will be posted on both websites as soon as possible:
JSSS: www.thejungiansociety.org
IAJS: www.jungianstudies.org
Susan Rowland (IAJS)
Darrell Dobson (JSSS)
Co-Chairs of the Conference Program Committee