12th Annual Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology
Psyche and Society: The Work of the Unconscious
Wednesday, July 24-27, 2013
Chicago, USA
Chicago, USA
Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies
Deadline for Proposals: December 31, 2012
The title of this conference, Psyche and Society: The Work of the Unconscious grows out of the themes and concerns of the 11th annual conference of JSSS (Affect and Action). During the conference the diverse nature of Jungian scholarship was explored and celebrated. One of the challenges which emerged was how the scholarly and felt concerns which emerged when
considering social issues from a psychological perspective could be both contained and utilized.
What is our psychological and intellectual responsibility here? Indeed is it sensible to separate these two aspects of our lives? One of the distinctive qualities of analytical psychology is the way in which it holds together the individual and the collective, the personal response and the social responsibility.
We have to realize, quite dispassionately, that whatever we fight about in the outside world is also a battle in our inner selves. In the end we have to admit that mankind is not just an accumulation of individuals utterly different from one another, but possesses such a high degree of psychological collectivity that in comparison the individual appears merely as a slight variant. How shall we judge this matter fairly if we cannot admit that it is also our own problem? Anyone who can admit this will first seek the solution in himself. This, in fact, is the way all
the great solutions begin. (CW18: 927 Marginal Notes on Wittels: “Die Sexualle Not,” 1910) As we seek solutions in a spirit of enquiry and curiosity and as we find ourselves reflected in our world, JSSS invites proposals for presentation, performance, and conversation at this conference. We invite responses that explore the individual and collective aspects of psyche and society and their various relationships: personally, in families, as communities, in relation to culture, to nature and the arts, politics and science.
This conference offers an opportunity for interdisciplinary reflection, investigation and rumination as together we seek to clarify and understand the current state of our world and its affective influence upon us.
Research 2 that addresses the following questions will be particularly welcome: What do psyche and society say to us regarding: nature, eco-systems,
climate, space, animals and human bodies?
How might our reflections on psyche and society shed new light on: politics, cultural change, economics, education, international relations, conflict and war?
How does psyche and society influence our response and understanding of: race, gender, identity, nation, history and spirituality?
How does an awareness of the interaction between psyche and society help to understand cultural media? And other forms of cultural expression?
What responses are open and sustainable to individuals and communities in the face of such concerns?
considering social issues from a psychological perspective could be both contained and utilized.
What is our psychological and intellectual responsibility here? Indeed is it sensible to separate these two aspects of our lives? One of the distinctive qualities of analytical psychology is the way in which it holds together the individual and the collective, the personal response and the social responsibility.
We have to realize, quite dispassionately, that whatever we fight about in the outside world is also a battle in our inner selves. In the end we have to admit that mankind is not just an accumulation of individuals utterly different from one another, but possesses such a high degree of psychological collectivity that in comparison the individual appears merely as a slight variant. How shall we judge this matter fairly if we cannot admit that it is also our own problem? Anyone who can admit this will first seek the solution in himself. This, in fact, is the way all
the great solutions begin. (CW18: 927 Marginal Notes on Wittels: “Die Sexualle Not,” 1910) As we seek solutions in a spirit of enquiry and curiosity and as we find ourselves reflected in our world, JSSS invites proposals for presentation, performance, and conversation at this conference. We invite responses that explore the individual and collective aspects of psyche and society and their various relationships: personally, in families, as communities, in relation to culture, to nature and the arts, politics and science.
This conference offers an opportunity for interdisciplinary reflection, investigation and rumination as together we seek to clarify and understand the current state of our world and its affective influence upon us.
Research 2 that addresses the following questions will be particularly welcome: What do psyche and society say to us regarding: nature, eco-systems,
climate, space, animals and human bodies?
How might our reflections on psyche and society shed new light on: politics, cultural change, economics, education, international relations, conflict and war?
How does psyche and society influence our response and understanding of: race, gender, identity, nation, history and spirituality?
How does an awareness of the interaction between psyche and society help to understand cultural media? And other forms of cultural expression?
What responses are open and sustainable to individuals and communities in the face of such concerns?
The Program Committee welcomes submissions for research papers (single, joint or multi-authored), round tables (works in progress), panels, workshops, poster sessions and artistic presentations which explore the conference theme. You are invited to submit a 500-word (max) proposal. This should include an abstract of 50 words that can be published in the conference
program. Please note, that the academic organizing committee may exercise its prerogative to reallocate presentation formats other than those originally applied for. On a separate cover page, include the following information with your proposal:
Full name (including title if applicable)
Full mailing address and email address
Contact telephone numbers with international dialing code
Institution (professional body or university) including position or membership
If a candidate or trainee in a clinical training program, indicate which training body
Indicate your preferred presentation from the list below:
Paper (20 minute presentation; discussion time will be built in to schedule)
Creative Practice (film, dance, visual arts, music, performance, etc.)
Poster (a short presentation of 5-10 minutes given in front of a visual display of your research)
program. Please note, that the academic organizing committee may exercise its prerogative to reallocate presentation formats other than those originally applied for. On a separate cover page, include the following information with your proposal:
Full name (including title if applicable)
Full mailing address and email address
Contact telephone numbers with international dialing code
Institution (professional body or university) including position or membership
If a candidate or trainee in a clinical training program, indicate which training body
Indicate your preferred presentation from the list below:
Paper (20 minute presentation; discussion time will be built in to schedule)
Creative Practice (film, dance, visual arts, music, performance, etc.)
Poster (a short presentation of 5-10 minutes given in front of a visual display of your research)