Warren Colman

Imię i Nazwisko: 
Warren Colman
Kim jest, co robi: 

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Analytical Psychology

Training Analyst, Society of Analytical Psychology

Full Member, Society of Psychoanalytic Couple Psychotherapists

Professional Bio​graphy/Interests:

My research interests arise from my clinical practice as a Jungian analyst. I worked for many years as a couples psychotherapist at the Tavistock Centre in London which has a psychoanalytic orientation (Kleinian and British object relations) and I have a long-standing interest in relating Jungian and psychoanalytic ideas and concepts. Many of my earlier papers were on the theme of gender, sexuality, couple relationships,and the clinical application of Jung's concepts of anima and animus. Later, I developed a special interest in the self and more recently I have published several papers on imagination and the symbolic process. Most of these papers are clinically oriented, using clinical material to demonstrate the theoretical argument which in turn is designed to illuminate clinical work. As Editor of the Journal of Analytical Psychology, I am concerned to maintain its traditions of being firmly grounded in clinical practice while encouraging a wide-ranging spread of articles from all sections of the international Jungian community. In the future, I hope to develop two new areas of interest - 1) the link between sociological and psychological processes (culture and psyche) with particular reference to the phenomenon of conspiracy theory and 2) the nature of the therapeutic action of psychoanalytic therapies with particular reference to the role of suggestion and the mobilization of psychoid healing processes that link mind and body.

Selected Publications:alt

1993   Marriage as a psychological container.  In Psychotherapy with Couples.  Theory and Practice at the Tavistock Institute of Marital Studies, ed. S. Ruszczynski. London: Karnac Books.

1995   Cross-gender identifications in heterosexual couples. British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol  11:4, 522-535.

1996   Aspects of anima and animus in Oedipal development, Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 41:1, 37-57.

1998a   Contrasexuality and the unknown soul.  In Contemporary Jungian Analysis. eds. I. Alister & C.Hauke. London: Routledge.

1998b That within which passes show: Hamlet and the unknowable self.  Harvest, Vol 44:1, 7-23.

1999   Creation and discovery: finding and making the self.  Harvest, Vol 45:1, 52-69.

2000a   Models of the self in Jungian thought.  In Jungian Thought in the Modern World.  eds. E. Christopher & H. Solomon.  London: Free Association Books.

2000b   Tyrannical omnipotence in the archetypal father.  Journal of Analytical Psychology.  Vol 45:4, 521-539.

2001   Celebrating the phallus.  In Sexuality. Psychoanalytic Perspectives, ed. C. Harding. London: Routledge.

2003   Interpretation and relationship: ends or means?  A commentary on Robert Caper’s ‘Does Psychoanalysis Heal?’ In Controversies in Analytical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. ed. R. Withers. Hove and New York: Routledge.

2004   Consciousness, the self and the isness business. British Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol 21:1, 83-102.

2005c   Sexual metaphor and the language of unconscious phantasy. Journal of Analytical Psychology.  Vol. 50:5, 641–660

2006a   The Self.  In Handbook of Jungian Psychology, ed. R.Papadopoulos. Hove and New York: Routledge.

2006b   Imagination and the imaginary.  Journal of Analytical Psychology. Vol. 51:2, 21-41.

2006c   Is the analyst a good object? British Journal of Psychotherapy Vol. 22:3, 295-310.

2006d   The analytic super-ego. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists. Vol 44:2, 1-16.

2007   Symbolic Conceptions: The Idea of the Third. Journal of Analytical Psychology. Vol 52:5, 565-583.

2008 On being, knowing and having a self. Jnl of Analytical Psychology, Vol 53:3, 351-366.

2009 Theory as metaphor: clinical knowledge and its communication. Jnl of Analytical Psychology, Vol 54:2, 199-215

Z: http://www.jungian-analysis.org/warren-colman
