Dr Frances Gray

Imię i Nazwisko: 
Frances Gray
Kim jest, co robi: 

Research interests:

Thematically, she is interested in Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind, Feminist Theory, and Ethics, areas in which she also teaches.


Frances holds an Honours Degree in Arts from Monash University, and a Masters Degree and a PhD in Philosophy from the Australian National University. She also holds a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education from the University of Canberra. Frances Gray has taught in Secondary and TAFE colleges as well as at the Australian National University, University of Canberra and Monash University. Her research interests have recently focussed on the work of Carl Jung, Luce Irigaray and Martha Nussbaum.


Jung, Irigaray, Individuation Brunner Routledge, London, UK (forthcoming)
Book Chapters:

'A Third Way: Explicating the Post in Post-Christian Feminism' (with Kathleen McPhillips) in Lisa Isherwood and Kathleen McPhillips (eds) Post-Christian Feminisms: A Critical Appraisal. Forthcoming (2007) Aldershot, Ashgate Press

'Brentano' in Dictionary of Literary Biography: Twentieth Century Cultural Theorists (2004) (ed Paul Hansom), Bruccoli, Clark  Layman, the Gale Group, MI

"Elemental Philosophy: Language and Ontology in Mary Daly's Texts" (2000) in Re-reading the Canon: Mary Daly (Penn State University Press) (General Editor, Nancy Tuana)(eds. Marilyn Frye and Sarah Hoagland) 222 245

Refereed Articles:

''My Daddy was my hero': Steve Irwin, The Hero Archetype, and Australian Identity' Spring Journal 'Psyche and Nature' Special  Issue Fall 2006

'Walking With Death, Walking With Science, Walking With Living: Philosophical Praxis and Happiness' in Cosmos and History Vol 1, No 2 (2005)

'The Mirror of Medusa' Australian Folklore 17, October, 2001 pp. 83 -89

'A Third Way: Explicating the Post in Post-Christian Feminism' in Sea Changes Vol 1 2001 (23 pages) http://www.wsrt.com.au/seachanges/volume1/scvol1.html

"G*d's Excludedness: Outside Language, Outside the World: A Levinasian Reading of Ekklesia Gynaikon" Australian Feminist Studies Special Issue, "Feminisms, Religions, Cultures, Identities" Vol 15 No.30 Spring, 1999.

Kontakt: fgray@une.edu.au

z: http://www.une.edu.au/philosophy/staff/fgray.php