The Philemon Foundation exists to make available the complete works of C. G. Jung in editions that meet the highest standards of scholarship and do justice to the true measure of this major creative thinker.
The Philemon Foundation is an expanding group of scholars, board members, and donors who share the mandate to prepare the unpublished works of C. G. Jung (1875-1961), the eminent Swiss psychologist. In distinction to the widely known Collected Works, the complete works include manuscripts, seminars, and correspondence hitherto unpublished, numbering in the tens of thousands of pages. The historical, clinical, and cultural importance of these materials equals and, in some instances, surpasses the importance of that which has been published to date. The Philemon Foundation works toward completing the publication of C. G. Jung’s work as volumes in the Philemon Series.
The Philemon Foundation is a fully independent not-for-profit organization and is not involved in the commercial exploitation of the existing Collected Works of C. G. Jung or with secondary literature on Jung. The foundation receives no royalties from the publications of the Philemon Series and depends entirely on donations to pay its scholars, translators and editors to prepare these works for publication.

The Society of Analytical Psychology - SAP

The Society of Analytical Psychology is one of the leading training institutes in Jungian analysis and psychotherapy, integrating the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung and post-Jungian developments with those of psychoanalysis.

Members of the SAP are all qualified analysts who have undergone an in-depth training and personal analysis. Members are trained in the analysis of adults and there are those who specialise in work with children and adolescents. All are registered with either the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) or the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).

International Association for Analytical Psychology - IAAP

Analytical Psychology originated in the work of the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). Offering a comprehensive model of the human psyche, analytical psychology includes a psychotherapeutic approach for improving mental health and facilitating maturation of the personality as well as a theoretical body of knowledge with wide applicability to social and cultural issues.

International Association for Jungian Studies - IAJS

The IAJS exists to promote and develop Jungian and post-Jungian studies and scholarship on an international basis. The IAJS is a multidisciplinary association dedicated to the exploration and exchange of views about all aspects of the broader cultural legacy of Jung's work and the history of analytical psychology. Through the development of Jungian and post-Jungian studies, the IAJS aims to aid the understanding of contemporary cultural trends and the history of psychological and cultural tendencies.