Bioniczny mózg w robocie!
Zasadnicze pytanie, jakie stawiają sobie obecnie badacze z Uniwersytetu w Reading to kwestia: Jak powiązać aktywność pojedynczych neuronów z kompleksowymi zachowaniami całego organizmu. Między innymi dlatego prowadzą obecnie badania nad pierwszymi robotami z 'bionicznym mózgiem'. Zastosowano tu zalążkową postać neuronalnego mózgu, który sprzęgnięty z jednostką operacyjną robota uczy się i sam rozwija w interakcji robota z otoczeniem.
Ciekawe kiedy roboty będą miały sny...?
The robot's biological brain is made up of cultured neurons which are placed onto a multi electrode array (MEA). The MEA is a dish with approximately 60 electrodes which pick up the electrical signals generated by the cells. This is then used to drive the movement of the robot. Every time the robot nears an object, signals are directed to stimulate the brain by means of the electrodes. In response, the brain's output is used to drive the wheels of the robot, left and right, so that it moves around in an attempt to avoid hitting objects. The robot has no additional control from a human or a computer, its sole means of control is from its own brain.
Dr Ben Whalley from the School of Pharmacy, said: "One of the fundamental questions that scientists are facing today is how we link the activity of individual neurons with the complex behaviours that we see in whole organisms. This project gives us a really unique opportunity to look at something which may exhibit complex behaviours, but still remain closely tied to the activity of individual neurons. Hopefully we can use that to go some of the way to answer some of these very fundamental questions. "
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